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Thames Water

Locality Ltd has been overseeing film and photographic requests on Thames Water property since 2005

Thames Water and filming

Thames Water is the UK’s largest water and wastewater company. Its operational sites deal with either waste water or clean water.

Access to clean water sites are generally not allowed due to health, safety and security concerns.

Some, but not all, of the waste water sites are accessible for filming and photography. The ones that are open can be seen here.

If your filming involves:

  • News gathering.

  • Talking about or referencing Thames Water or Thames Water staff.

  • Having a Thames Water representative talking on camera

Then please contact the internal press office at

Thames Water covers this area:


Thames Water map

For more information about Thames Water please see


Conditions / restrictions

The following is prohibited anywhere on Thames Water property: 

  • Possession or use of illegal drugs

  • Drinking of alcohol. 

  • Smoking, vaping or naked flames. 

  • Any real weapon. 

  • No under 18 year olds unless an actor.


Imagery can only be used for a named project, Thames Water does not give permission for photography to be sent to any image libraries.

The Thames Water will not entertain any content, promotion or brand that:

  • Could damage the reputation of Thames Water.

  • Involves gambling or illegal betting.

  • Has a distinct political bias or be used for political party propaganda.

  • Involves scenes of an inflammatory nature (racism, violence, inhumanity).

  • Contains explicit nudity, adult only content or scenes of a sexual nature.


Thames Water cannot be identified on screen unless specific permission has been obtained in writing.  

  • No referencing of Thames Water in any manner, verbally or visually is permitted. 

  • No Thames Water insignia, colour schemes or logos are to be identifiable on screen.

  • Avoid identifying any tenant, personnel, or visitors on screen in any manner. 


Thames Water’s number one priority is the health and safety of all people whilst on its sites.

In the event of an emergency, it is possible that all film crew will be asked to leave the site.

Once contracts have been signed Thames Water will Transfer the Operational Control of Premises (TOCoP) to the production. This allows the production to assess its own health and safety requirements, hence the crew and cast can wear less or no PPE.


Most of the locations involve some kind of pump which can be very noisy. On rare occasions the pumps can be turned off by TW staff but during takes only, not for any length of time.


All Thames Water sites are monitored by CCTV and most have security gates. 

  • Locality can organise access but need names provided with at least 24 hours notice.

  • If the site you are wanting to use is close to an airport you will have to inform the airport security.  Maps and info at


Each person working on a TW site must undertake an induction to fully understand the health, safety and wellbeing responsibilities of entering a Thames Water operational site. This is a video 


  • Never remove, cover or block emergency signage or cover smoke detectors.

  • Isolation of detectors can only be done by TW staff.

  • Do NOT touch machinery, hoists, control panels or open any shut cupboard. 

  • Any crane owned by TW can only be operated by TW staff. Hoists to be tied off by crew.

  • No holes or drilling into the structure of buildings.

  • Painting is NOT allowed on the structure of buildings.


  • Only non-structural construction is allowed e.g. flattage.

  • Details of how it is  fixed / weighted down and where the anchor points are must be noted in the Contract Particulars.

  • Thames Water will need to conduct a site survey If any excavation or digging is required to ensure no underground cables or pipes are damaged. 

Where a project exceeds 30 construction days, with 20 or more workers working simultaneously, or if the project exceeds 500 person days, the HSE must be notified as required by the Health and Safety (Construction Design and Management) Regulations 2015. 


The Controller of Premises will need to issue a permit if production requires any of the following: 

  • Anything that produces a spark requires a hot work permit.

  • Cranes require a crane permit. 

  • Pyrotechnics requires a hot work permit and local fire brigade to be made aware.

  • Access to confined space requires atmosphere monitoring.

  • Fake weapons or police require the police to be notified and a CAD number supplied.

Working on or near water requires a safety boat / diver or rescue equipment depending upon the body of water and action.

Procedure / Steps

It can take several days to process your film or photography request because of the many stages.


After you have read all the information in these pages and your budget allows for the fees, Locality asks that you fill out the enquiry form at the bottom of this page or email us the following details:

Production company:
Name of project:
Type of shoot : 
Where imagery will be seen: 
Scene description: 
Dates required: 
How many people on site: 

Additionally you will need to supply a synopsis of the project and script pages.


Locality will:

  • contact Thames Water’s Press Office who will assess the content/synopsis and either refuse or allow the enquiry to proceed.

  • contact the site manager / Controller of Premises to see if the enquiry dates clash with any operational works or the proposed action is suitable at the site. 

Once Locality gets the okay to proceed with your enquiry we can arrange for production to visit the site.


All site visits must be escorted by a Thames Water Passport trained person and will be charged to Production at a cost of £120 for the first hour and £60 per hour after.

Until a ToCop is in place all persons entering a Thames Water site must cover their arms and legs and wear full Personal Protective Equipment(PPE):

  • Hard hats

  • High visibility vests

  • Steel toe capped boots

  • Gloves

  • Safety glasses

There are no exceptions! 

Production must provide PPE for all its personnel.


The next step is Locality will send production an Intentions Form to complete. This details the requirements needed by each department.

The production will need to provide a Risk Assessment and Method Statement (RAMS) to cover its specific requirements. Locality can supply a template risk assessment if needed.


  • Locality will go through the Intentions Form and relevant RAMS with Thames Water. 

  • Once the Controller of Premises has approved everything the details will be added to a contract/Location Hire Agreement (LHA).

  • We regret that no legal amendments can be made to the LHA. Riders can be added if required by the production's legal team.


  • Locality will send the LHA for signature by a Producer or other designated person and TW head office.

  • The production must provide evidence of public liability insurance up to £10 million UK pounds.

  • Once contracts have been signed Thames Water will Transfer the Operational Control of Premises (TOCoP) to the production. This allows the production to assess its own health and safety requirements, hence the crew and cast can wear less or no PPE.


Locality will provide personnel or organise Thames Water staff to assist the production whilst the crew are on site. Production will be charged for any staff time accrued.

At the end of the production's access Locality asks for a Sign Off Sheet to be completed.

In the case of a TOCOP, the Controller of Premises will sign to indicate that they have taken back control of the premises and cancel any TWOSA’s where applicable.

Costs / Fees

This link will take you to our current fee structure. (insert link to TW fees)

Exceptions are if it's for news gathering or the content is something the TW Press Office wants to endorse. 

Locality will send production an invoice for the location hire, administration costs and any other relevant fees due such as staff time. 

Please note that payment needs to have cleared Locality’s bank account before access is allowed.

Relating to cancellations, if both parties have signed the Location hire Agreement no refund will be given.

Expectations of the crew whilst filming on a TW site


  • Number one priority is the health and safety of all people on site.

  • Thames Water expects ‘‘zero incidents, zero harm, zero compromise’.

  • The Production is expected to abide by the agreed H&S RAMS and contract particulars in the Location Hire Agreement.  If it is not written down, it's not happening!

  • A person from the location team who will be on site at all times will be asked to sign a Thames Water Operational Site Safety Assessment (TWOSA) before anyone can enter the site.


Production must:

  • Supply SIA approved personnel to assist with the signing in and out at the security gates to avoid tailbacks/traffic congestion.

  • Fence off the boundaries of the TOCop to stop crew wandering into other areas. 

  • Provide vehicle transportation between the main security gates and the TOCOP area. 

  • Create a safe area of passage between the technical parking and the set.

Locality will provide personnel or organised Thames Water staff to assist the location team and security whilst the crew are on site. Production will be charged for any staff time.


Production to supply its own welfare provisions for crew. This must include: toilets; hand washing facilities; covered space for rest; drinking water; food.

Production to have at least one ‘appointed first aid person’ on site at all times and report any incidents to TW.


  • Speed restrictions & prescribed traffic routes must be complied with.

  • No parking in any area other than identified on the site map.

  • Reversing vehicles must be directed by a banksman  unless in a fenced off vehicle only zone.

  • Drip trays placed under diesel vehicles


Production must remove all equipment and waste it creates at the end of each day and within the times of hire period. (Additional charges may occur if the premises are not left in satisfactory condition).

Can I see images of the sites that are open to filming?

Indeed there are, please go to this link.


The Wave
The Jetty
Preliminary Treatment Works
Storm Pump Station
Blower House
Precipitation Building
Other areas
Also on site is the Crossness Engines Trust
Datchet PS
Gallions Reach Pumping Station
Isle of Dogs Pumping Station
Littlebrook Pumping Station
Maple Lodge STW




Farmoor Reservoir
Queen Mother Reservoir
Queen Mary Reservoir
Walthamstow Wetlands


Greenway Olympic Path
Kempton WTW / Under A316 Flyover
New River Path

Disclaimer:  All data, imagery, and information is provided without warranty or any representation of accuracy, timeliness or completeness. The content of the information is solely a guideline and is subject to constant change.

Enquiry form See images of TW sites


The production is encouraged to sign up to Albert, this is a BAFTA initiative offering online tools, training, events and practical guidance to identify sustainable ways to combat climate change.